Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jealousy to Ex-Lover? Is it Fair???

Chris Martin, lead singer of Cold Play, which is also the husband of actress Gwyneth Paltrow, ever make a confession that he is still jealous of his wife's former lover, Brad Pitt. "If your wife had a date with Brad Pitt, you'll want to prove yourself greater," he said honestly. Yes, who's not jealous to see Brad Pitt ‘s success and handsomeness?

Martin and Paltrow who has been married for five years and have two children that alone was not spared from feeling jealous ex-lover. "A little jealousy is good for a relationship just because it shows you care," says Christine Northam. But there are tricks for the fire of jealousy so not enlarged.

If you are jealous
If jealousy was so strong that it dominates your feelings, this means you must find out what really happened. "Everyone must have felt confident, but you also need to evaluate why that feeling turned into low self-esteem," said Northam.

At the beginning, passion and love are domination, but when everything started to stabilize, newly emerging feelings of insecurity. That's when jealousy arises. "Excessive Jealousy is a sign that something was wrong," said Northam. Immediately talk to your partner and express the things that make you jealous so that couples may be more sensitive.

When you got jealousy
Help the couple to eliminate jealousy, not just through words, but make sure with real action. "Empathize on his feelings. Do not mention the name of the former while talking to him, moreover comparing them," said Northam.

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