Friday, June 3, 2011

8 Ways to Love Yourself

Body that you have is only 1. No other people who have it, can not be exchanged also added such as clothing. Rather than comparing yourself with others or thinking about the worst parts you want to change, try to love and appreciate them. Here's how to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Still In Love, but It's Not Love Anymore

Many couples who have married lover and feel the relationship began flat. This is usually experienced when the relationship has been running all these years, even without much experience problems. Then you begin to shock when in a dialogue, the he said, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore."

What is the meaning of this phrase? Although preceded by the words "I love you ", but why it seems we still lose? Although you are aware of you and he's no longer vibrations, and yet it seemed a pity if an end to this relationship?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Alone Does Not Means Lonely

Do not have a partner? No need to bother. Living the single life has a lot of advantages, which may not enter your mind.

Free meet friends
If many from your friends who complain because rarely met since you have a boyfriend, I think there is something wrong with your relationship and him. People, especially friends, is the closest person who at any time to help. If you do not have a boyfriend, alias single, you are free to meet with friends near you.