But if your efforts to improve the situation did not work out, and encouragement to resign can not be dammed again, you should still act professionally. This means that the resignation is still being done with ethics. Here's a guide:
1. Inform the resignation of the previous advance, or customize to company regulations.
We recommend that you first talk to your supervisor before submitting a letter of resignation officially to the company.
2. Complete all duties and responsibilities before actually leaving the office.
3. Ask the management whether there will be a transfer of responsibilities to others ornot.
If indeed there, accompany your successor and explain the duties and responsibility.
4. Maintain good relationships.
You should not leave a bad impression on co-workers. No need to blow up or tell your problems to everyone. Keep the good relationship that you have built so far.
5. Before actually leaving the office, finished your task.
Do not forget to submit important documents and carry all your personal belongings.
6. Do not forget to say goodbye.
If possible you can held a small farewell event.
7. Complete all administrative affairs.
Which should not be missed, return all company facilities and also (if you have) loans to co-workers should be resolved.
8. Keep the good name of the company even though you was out.
Wherever you work later on, you should not talk bad or reveal secrets of the company that you know.
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